1 large whole Coles white cauliflower, leaves attached
60 g butter
½ brown onion, grated
60 g Coles plain flour
sea salt to taste
black pepper to taste
2 tsp Coles Dijon mustard
600 ml Coles full cream milk
½ cup cheddar cheese, grated
½ cup parmesan cheese, grated
fresh thyme or chives to garnish
Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees (C).
Bring a large pot of salted water up to the boil. Trim the bottom off the cauliflower so it sits flat then cut a cross with a small knife into the stem – this helps the stem cook evenly. Place the cauliflower into the pot upside down and cook for 10 minutes to start the cooking process. Remove the cauliflower and drain off any excess water. Place the cauliflower into a high-sided pot that can go in the oven.
Meanwhile heat the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat. Add in the onion and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook for 1-2 minutes then add in the flour and cook stirring with a wooden spoon for 3-4 minutes to cook the raw flavour out the flour. Whisk in the mustard and slowly pour in the milk, working out any lumps as you add the milk. Once the mixture looks smooth, add in the cheeses and melt them through the sauce.
Pour the cheese sauce over the cauliflower and roast in the oven for 40 minutes, basting the cauliflower with the sauce every 10 minutes.
Remove from the oven and carefully place into a serving dish. Garnish with herbs and serve.
Recipe by Courtney Roulston